Public relation


Real-Time Monitoring of Microbial Water Quality – Article

Real-Time Monitoring of Microbial Water Quality – Article

A Must-Read: Article on Wiley Analytical Science about Real-Time Monitoring of Microbial Water Quality Our CEO and Founder Wolfgang Vogl was invited to write a scientific article about the enzymatic measurement approach which was recently published on the Wiley...

How the ColiMinder helps lifting boil orders

How the ColiMinder helps lifting boil orders

How the ColiMinder helps lifting boil orders Klagenfurt, one of the largest cities in Austria, had found a enterococcus contamination in their drinking water network - just by chance during the regular testing regime, which relies on a standard culture-based...

The ColiMinder wins the Lower Austrian Export Award

The ColiMinder wins the Lower Austrian Export Award

A small step for mankind, but a huge step for us! Last week, the Lower Austrian Export Prizes were awarded - and one of the winners is: the ColiMinder Team! We are very proud of this achievement, and look forward to increase our efforts to spread our ColiMinder around...

How to use the ColiMinder in Manufacturing Industry

Dear Manufacturing and Food Industry, what do you think about optimizing your production process by using a ColiMinder for monitoring the microbial water quality in your cooling water system? A producer of pet food cans does just that: a ColiMinder is installed at the...

ColiMinder Pablo for Prague Waterworks

ColiMinder Pablo for Prague Waterworks

Shiny happy faces everywhere! Today, ColiMinder “Pablo” has been delivered to our new customer Pražské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. (PVK)! As you can see, their team enjoyed an intensive training at our premises. Thank you very much to the team from Pražské vodovody a...

ColiMinder measures bathing water quality in Danube River

ColiMinder measures bathing water quality in Danube River

Austria is talking about microbiological bathing water quality For a report on the Kurier TV channel and in an article in today's edition of KURIER, a favourite Austrian newspaper, the editor Uwe Mauch invited us to measure the bathing water...

ColiMinder at Olympics and Paralympics in Paris

ColiMinder at Olympics and Paralympics in Paris

What is the ColiMinder doing in Paris? We are still impressed by all the media coverage of the ColiMinder reporting the important role it played during the Olympics2024 in Paris. To ensure the health and safety of triathletes and open water swimmers alike, 6...

VWMS achieved ISO9001 Certification

VWMS achieved ISO9001 Certification

VWMS, Producer of the ColiMinder, achieved ISO9001 Certification Quality management has been part of everyday life at VWMS since the early years of the company. Now it has also been officially recognised and confirmed: VWMS received ISO9001 : 2015 certification in...