Simplify Your Quality Control
Online Monitoring of Microbiological Water Quality

Proven since 2014 in customer applications and scientific studies
E. coli
Specific indicator of faecal contamination
Specific indicator of faecal contamination
Specific indicator of faecal contamination (under development)
Total Activity
bulk parameter of total microbiological activity
Total Activity Mineral Water
bulk parameter of total microbiological activity
for mineral waters with high mineral content
Coliminder Key Features
Fully Automatic
Sampling, Measurement, Cleaning, Calibration
15 minutes from sampling to result
measurement results for determined indicator organisms
data visualization, remote control, automatic notifications (e-mail, SMS)
Results Easy to Understand
operator-proof – no need to interpret
Low Maintenance
reagent refill every 1,000 measurements – exchange of tubing every other year
3 results per measurement
- Microbiological Activity – level of contamination
- Transmittance of the sample – high resolution turbidity
- Intrinsic fluorescence of the sample
GEt in touch
Feel free to contact us – we are pleased to answer any of your questions!
Real-Time Monitoring of Microbial Water Quality – Article
A Must-Read: Article on Wiley Analytical Science about Real-Time Monitoring of Microbial Water Quality Our CEO and Founder Wolfgang Vogl was invited to write a scientific article about the enzymatic...
How the ColiMinder helps lifting boil orders
How the ColiMinder helps lifting boil orders Klagenfurt, one of the largest cities in Austria, had found a enterococcus contamination in their drinking water network - just by chance during the...
The ColiMinder wins the Lower Austrian Export Award
A small step for mankind, but a huge step for us! Last week, the Lower Austrian Export Prizes were awarded - and one of the winners is: the ColiMinder Team! We are very proud of this achievement,...
How to use the ColiMinder in Manufacturing Industry
Dear Manufacturing and Food Industry, what do you think about optimizing your production process by using a ColiMinder for monitoring the microbial water quality in your cooling water system? A...
Vienna Water Monitoring Solutions’ ColiMinder™ is a microbial water quality monitoring system – rapid and fully automatic. ColiMinder´s rapid microbiological online measurements enable process monitoring and control for all water-related applications.
Microbiological contamination measurement of water in real-time enables a drastic increase in efficiency and safety of water treatment processes and in distribution networks. The ColiMinder has proven its reliability, stability, and robustness in numerous applications throughout the water cycle, in customer installations around the globe, and in scientific studies since early 2014.
The technology for bacterial water analysis is based on direct measurement of specific metabolic (enzymatic) activity of target organisms.